Somatopsychic metaphors: the infantile in its re-presentations as the core of emotional development



Psychoanalytic process, Somatopsychic metaphor, Transference, Infantile, Primitive states of mind, Psychoanalytic tools, Pregnancy


Starting from the notion of the infantile as an ever-present reservoir of archaic revisitable aspects in constant rescue and updating, this clinical reflection presents the experience of an analytical dyad, considering the presence of somatic remains waiting for psychic integration. To refer to this process I am proposing the notion of somatopsychic metaphorization. Given the precariousness of her relational life, Lydia claims for possibilities of transformation by experiencing new intimacy in our analytical contact, which can help her to internalize less violent and not so threatening objects. In this context, clinical contact with primitive states (forged in metaphorical language by the patient as lost packages to be found and unwrapped), would be demanding the construction of aspects of non-represented experience and constitution of psychic tissue, in addition, but also before the unveiling of repressed aspects. Parallels between the analytical relationship and the development of the patient's pregnancy evoke elucidative communications of infantile aspects and possible windows of access to the somatopsychic metaphorizing process and integration.


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Author Biography

Mariângela Mendes de Almeida, Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo (SBPSP)

Psychologist and psychotherapist. Affiliated member of the Institute of Psychoanalysis of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo (SBPSP), participant of Clinic 0 to 3 and Prisma Group of Psychoanalysis and Autism. Master from the Tavistock Clinic, Doctor from the San Paolo Federal University (UNIFESP). Coordinator of the Parent-Baby Care Center (Pediatrics, UNIFESP). Professor and Supervisor at Instituto Sedes Sapientiae.


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How to Cite

Mendes de Almeida, M. (2021). Somatopsychic metaphors: the infantile in its re-presentations as the core of emotional development. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 28(2), 247–269. Retrieved from

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