

  • José Carlos Calich Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA)


Editorial, Psychoanalysis, Bion commented


The idea of honoring Paulo Martins Machado was long before any knowledge about the disease that unfortunately led to his death. We had the intention of honoring him as one of the oldest didactics of our Society, teacher of all those who make up the Editorial Committee of the Journal, an example of seriousness, personal and professional integrity. We asked Paulo to write an “update” of his work to become a full member of the Society – a topic that was dear to him, the Reparation – and we proposed that these “new ideas” be commented on by two colleagues from other Societies, with a view to enriching them. it with the debate. Paul readily welcomed the idea and told us that, in fact, he had many “new ideas” that he would like to spread. He quickly handed us the first draft of his article, as if he had actually been working on what he had written.


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Author Biography

José Carlos Calich, Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA)

Member of the Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA)



How to Cite

Calich, J. C. (2001). Editorial. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 8(1), 11–12. Retrieved from https://sppa.emnuvens.com.br/RPdaSPPA/article/view/984

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