But what to do with the children? Old and new challenges and lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Nara Amália Caron Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA)


Modified setting, Internal setting, Children in the pandemic


Children have always instigated us. They carry the quality of an enigma and unpredictability and, during the Covid-19 pandemic it was not different. Locked down for an undetermined amount of time and without counting on support networks, fathers and mothers started taking care of children and their activities on a full-time scale. Often times they felt unprepared for such activities. Emotions have become more contagious than the virus. However, what to do with the children? With no theoretical strictness as a defense, maintaining the internal setting, and the patient/therapist asymmetry, sustaining a reserve of function, a technical flexibility, we had the opportunity to open ourselves to a new context. Afterall, that was how child psychoanalysis started, back with Little Hans. I joined this practice with the spirit of the psychoanalytic infant observation, considering the work would be performed online and in children’s homes. As the work with babies unfolded, the challenges of this period of dependence have surged up, demanding we would compassionately listen to caregivers, so as to help them bear uncertainties and the unexpected. Over 20 months later, I perceive the online analytical work as something that is possible, useful, and effective for some children, a fact that has exceeded my expectations.


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Author Biography

Nara Amália Caron, Porto Alegre Psychoanalytic Society (SPPA)

Psicanalista de adultos, crianças e adolescentes. Membro efetivo e analista didata da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (SPPA).


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How to Cite

Caron, N. A. (2021). But what to do with the children? Old and new challenges and lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 28(2), 503–519. Retrieved from https://sppa.emnuvens.com.br/RPdaSPPA/article/view/941

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