The vulnerability of the psychoanalyst and the setting in the face of environmental catastrophe


  • Laura Ravaioli


Environment, Trauma, Collective trauma, Setting, Fee, Contract, Environmental catastrophe


The flood that hit the city where the author lives and works led her to reflect on the consequences of environmental disasters on the work of the psychoanalyst who, together with his/her patients, lives the actuality of a shared trauma. The article narrates the vulnerability of the analyst and narrows the field of observation to her attempts to maintain the stability of the analytic setting and ensure the continuity of treatment through reconsiderations and interpretations of the fee and payment agreements in a destroyed environment.


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Author Biography

Laura Ravaioli

Psicóloga. Psicoterapeuta. Psicanalista da Sociedade Psicanalítica Italiana (SPI) e da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional (IPA). Copresidente da Comissão da IPA para as Nações Unidas. Editora da Rivista di psicoanalisi, área web, e professora contratada da Universidade de Roma Tor Vergata. Trabalha com adultos e casais, atuando como consultora de medicina da dor e supervisora comunitária. Colabora em projetos locais e internacionais sobre migração, direitos humanos e processos de paz.


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How to Cite

Ravaioli, L. (2025). The vulnerability of the psychoanalyst and the setting in the face of environmental catastrophe. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 32(1). Retrieved from