Considerações sobre a utilidade do conceito de claustro na prática psicanalítica
Fantasias, Self, Trauma, Identificação projetiva, Identificação adesiva, Identificação intrusiva, ClaustroAbstract
Through the clinical use of the concept of Life in the Claustrum, as described by Meltzer, this work seeks to understand how certain very primitive identifications, revealed through unconscious fantasies, such as intrusive identifications, can interfere with the appropriate perception of the self in relation to the object during clinical transference. The confinement within maternal compartments can pose technical challenges within the analytic environment. As clinical material, I illustrate the case of a patient who, after a traumatic childhood, became imprisoned inside the interior of the primitive object, perceiving the world through the eyes of the mother.
Keywords: Fantasies; Self; Trauma; Projective identification; Adhesive identification; Intrusive identification; Claustrum.
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