O inconsciente freudiano na atualidade: um olhar lacaniano


  • José E. Milmaniene Associação Psicanalítica Argentina.


The author analyzes Lacan’s definition of the unconscious structured as a language in order to clarify the differences between this definition and other concepts that consider the unconscious a reservoir of phantasies and already-there-given objects. The central ideas of this article are about the difference between the repressed unconscious and the foreclosed unconscious. The author carefully considers the manifestations of the foreclosed unconscious, which are currently expressed in the so-called pathologies of jouissance. In addition, he provides different aspects of the sociocultural genesis of repression and foreclosing, as well as the postmodern relapse in pleasure policies that include the structural defection of the symbolic figure of the Dead Father. He asserts that the deficient paternal function gives origin to a subjective constitution, in which the return of the non-symbolic to the Real predominate due to the absence of the significant of the Name of the Father. Accordingly, the author tries to articulate the linguistic conception of the unconscious with the Freudian concept of trauma as a residual foreclosed nucleus that cannot be reduced to the metaphorical process. Finally, the author describes the frequent clinical attitudes that are prone to take away poetics and turn psychoanalysis to-substance, by transforming psychoanalytical hermeneutics, from a significance to be created in the encounter of two subjects in reciprocal transference, into a practice of simultaneous translation of preexisting senses.


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Author Biography

José E. Milmaniene, Associação Psicanalítica Argentina.

Membro da Associação Psicanalítica Argentina.


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How to Cite

E. Milmaniene, J. . (2023). O inconsciente freudiano na atualidade: um olhar lacaniano. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 10(3), 475–493. Retrieved from https://sppa.emnuvens.com.br/RPdaSPPA/article/view/1121