Dimensions of Winnicott’s Rejection of the Death Drive: Aggression without Hate, Environmental Trauma, and Curative Regression
Psychoanalysis, Aggression, Hate, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Regression, CreativityAbstract
The present work has as its starting point the rejection that D.W. Winnicott expresses in different parts of his work to the death drive. The objective is to map aspects of the concept the author disagrees with, as well as to explain the proposed alternatives. From the outset we identify a fundamental dissociation between the idea that there is a constitutional aggressiveness to the subject and the conception that such aggressiveness is imbued with an equally constitutional hatred. We also found a notion of trauma that largely dispenses with the drive aspect in favor of valuing the role of the environment, as it is the environment that fails the subject, especially in the early days of life. Finally, the return to the Freudian inorganic gives way to curative regression in the psychoanalytic setting. Underlying all these ideas is a fundamental horizon in ethical, theoretical and clinical terms: creative living.
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