The identity of the terrible and happiness: on the sublime in art and psychoanalysis


  • Giuseppe Civitarese Italian Psychoanalytic Society


Sublime, Contemporary art, Kim Ki-duk, Richard Serra, Aesthetic conflict, Wilfred R. Bion, Sublimation, Symbolization


The aesthetics of the sublime and the psychoanalytic concept of sublimation, properly re-read, can interact in a way that illuminates each other. What we gain is, on the one hand, a more penetrating understanding of the essence of aesthetic experience in art, and on the other, a more compelling view of how the process of becoming a subject unfolds. In fact, the first glimmer of self-consciousness is ignited in a purely aesthetic dimension, in the etymological sense of the term, that is, in a space made of sensations. This space, called chora semiotics by Julia Kristeva, is at the same time dynamic and intersubjective-in other words, although woven of sensoriality, can not ignore a symbolic framework. To illustrate this thematic area, the author examines two examples of contemporary sublime, Kim Ki-duk’s film entitled Pietà, and some monumental works by Richard Serra


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Author Biography

Giuseppe Civitarese, Italian Psychoanalytic Society

Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Full member of Italian Psychoanalytic Society.


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How to Cite

Civitarese, G. (2022). The identity of the terrible and happiness: on the sublime in art and psychoanalysis. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 29(1), 47–73. Retrieved from