From King Oedipus to Antigone: the evolution of human values
Oedipus, Mythology, Antigone, Thebes, Interpretation, FemaleAbstract
Reading the tragedies Oedipus Rex, Seven against Thebes and Antigone one after the other – the first and the last by Sophocles and the second by Aeschylus – it’s possible to observe evolution of ego ideal from a perverse structure to the threshold of depressive position. The concern about the combined parent-figure, specially the product of their love, the children, are preeminent in this threshold. Fight between State rights and personnel rights is paramount in that sequent reading. In that early time State rights in their origin were settled in a homossexual structure – it’s the postulation made by the psychoanalytic reading of the mentioned tragedies. That homossexual structure repulsed the essential of the femininity, motherhood specially included. Offspring killing is inextricable attached to the legends and sagas of the Curse of the house of Laios.
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