Making the best of a bad Job
Self, Bion, Bad jobAbstract
You may be wondering what I meant when I called this work “Making the Best of a Bad Job”. When two characters or personalities meet, an emotional storm is created. If they have enough contact to be sure of each other, or even if they are not secure, an emotional state is produced by the conjunction of these two individuals, these two personalities. The resulting disturbance is almost like something that might necessarily be looked at as an improvement in general condition if they had never met. But, since they have met and since this emotional storm has occurred, the two parties must decide “Making the Best of a Bad Job”. That's what it means, in analysis.
Original em inglês: “Making the Best of a Bad Job”, artigo publicado na edição de março/79 do Bulletin of lhe British Psychoanalytical Society. Editor responsável: Dr. Dinora Pines.
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