Giving time to time

attempts at gender in psychoanalysis: Or, the analyst in search of a way...


  • Luciane Falcão


sexuality, transsexuality, subjectivation process, narcissistic investment


The author brings comments based on Patrícia Gherovici’s text, both presented at the Plenary of Fepal Congress (2022), entitled Giving Time to Time: Attempts to Gender Psychoanalysis. It covers a series of questions arising from listening to P. Gherovici's analytical experience with transsexual patients. It centers the discussion on three points: (1) how would the process of subjectivation of the trans individual occur? (2) how does the analytical process presented based on examples from Gherovici's clinic occur? and (3) how the construction of the psychoanalyst's identity occurs, how he looks at and perceives a transsexual person and also what is the role of his own infantil sexuality in this process. She complements these questions by bringing some expressions of contemporary art related to the theme.


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Author Biography

Luciane Falcão

Psicóloga, Psicanalista, Analista Didata e Membro Efetivo da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Porto Alegre (SPPA).


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How to Cite

Falcão, L. (2023). Giving time to time: attempts at gender in psychoanalysis: Or, the analyst in search of a way. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 30(3). Retrieved from