Transformations in K and O

oscillating vertices between epistemological and ontological psychoanalysis


  • Marina F. R. Ribeiro


Transformations, Ontological psychoanalysis, Epistemological psychoanalysis, Bion, Thomas Ogden


In this text, I approach Thomas Ogden's (2020) nomination of an epistemological psychoanalysis and an ontological psychoanalysis with the transformations in K (knowledge) and transformations in O (becoming) by Bion (1965). I propose the existence of two oscillating vertices, highlighting that there is a continuous movement between them. I understand that an epistemological and ontological psychoanalysis was already present in Bion's book, Transformations(1965/2014), when addressing transformations in K and transformations in O, that is, knowing and becoming. The work Transformations can be read as the testimony of a process of transformation in O, a catastrophic change, a caesura in Bion's work and life after his move to Los Angeles. In the last chapters of Transformations, Bion shifts his interest in knowing psychic reality, transformations in K (knowledge), to Being, becoming, transformations in O.


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Author Biography

Marina F. R. Ribeiro

Psicanalista. Professora Doutora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo (IPUSP) e coordenadora do Laboratório Interinstitucional de Estudos da Intersubjetividade e Psicanálise Contemporânea (LipSic). ORCID: 0000-0002-1601-4744


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How to Cite

F. R. Ribeiro , M. (2024). Transformations in K and O: oscillating vertices between epistemological and ontological psychoanalysis. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 31(1). Retrieved from