Confidences and inconfidences in psychoanalytical supervision as a convergence of the three models of training
Supervision, Supervisory practice, Supervisee, Uncanny, Analytic object, Intersubjective thirdAbstract
Supervision was conceived as diagrams, whose structures express how the author organizes and executes their own supervisory practice. Within this, confidences are understood as coming from the supervisee, expressed by the clinical material and other manifestations. On the other hand, inconfidences are those interventions made by the supervisor, unveiling intimacies of their thoughts on the clinical material, on the supervisee, and unfolding over their own analytical experience. Conciliate different experiences, in different settings and anachronistic temporalities is the challenge imposed upon the pair in the form of “the uncanny”, a concept - in this paper – equivalent to that of analytic object, intersubjective analytic third or “subjugating third”. According to the technique and structure used, this model of supervision can be used for any supervisee in training by IPA, functioning in the intersection of these three models. This paper ends with a clinical example, by which the author tries to illustrate the above.
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