Life in the Sertão and in the Couch, lived and narrated by Riobaldo Tatarana, the Urubú Branco


  • Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros


Riobaldo, Journey, Narrative, Maria Mutema, Evil


The author explores the impact of Grande sertão: veredas by Guimarães Rosa (2019) in his psychoanalytic reflection on life. Despite the challenges of finding a unique angle due to extensive prior psychoanalytic interpretations of the novel, the author emphasizes his intent not to psychoanalyze Guimaraes Rosa  or the characters but to offer a catalyzing reading. He argues for a contemporary psychoanalytic approach that focuses on the reevaluation and reinterpretation of past and present experiences to prevent the future from being a mere repetition of the past. Barros thinks the unconscious as a field of potential experiences rather than a repository of repressed content, aligning with Rustin's perspective. He appreciates Ogden's emphasis on the therapeutic dimension of psychoanalysis, its understanding of the unconscious, and the vitality of language. The text relates the narrative experience of Riobaldo to the psychoanalytic process, highlighting the role of symbolic representation in organizing and giving meaning to life's emotional experiences. Through Riobaldo's journey, the author illustrates the psychoanalytic endeavor to transform suffering into a narrative that enriches the understanding of oneself and one's world.


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Author Biography

Elias Mallet da Rocha Barros

Distinguished Fellow da Sociedade Britânica de Psicanálise e do Instituto Britânico de Psicanálise. Premiado pelo Sigourney Award dos Estados Unidos. Analista didata da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo (SBPSP). Ex-Editor para a América Latina do International
Journal of Psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite

Mallet da Rocha Barros, E. (2025). Life in the Sertão and in the Couch, lived and narrated by Riobaldo Tatarana, the Urubú Branco . SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 32(1). Retrieved from

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