Neogenesis, Enclavé unconscious, Filicide, SymbolizationAbstract
The author reflects on the psychoanalyst's position where clinical crossroads stimulate the reformulation of methodology and of theoretical convictions conveyed as dogmas. Having the contributions of a peculiar analysis, inhabited by filicidal and non-enigmatic messages that meander through the enclaved unconscious as starting point, a pressing urge for translation is at the fore. The analysis functioned as an incubator where the neogenesis process took place, inscribing new messages that give way to the aligning of a symbolic network. Over the years, deep-felt dreamlike communications emerged pointing towards the patient’s (non) birth, being the analyst’s underlying supposition that the impressive caesura of the act of birth has not occurred. A dream stands out that ends in the perception of traumatic fantasies (filicidal desires) that would be reactivated a posteriori. Possible failures of primitive pleasure experiences early in life led to obstacles in vaginal erogeneity. Recent associations reveal reformulations of the private version of herself, allowing for an alternative après-coup representation of her birth history that sheds different colors to her identity.
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