The aesthetic conflict and the psychoanalytic method
Aesthetic conflict, Psychic turbulence, Psychoanalytical process, Preformed transference, Countertransference action, Container-containedAbstract
This paper describes Meltzer's view of the analyst's own aesthetic conflict in following the psychoanalytic method, under the aegis of the psychoanalysis itself as an aesthetic object. The transference-countertransference constitutes a container-contained 'fit' which sets in motion the psychoanalytical process with its 'natural history' of evolution. This is subject to all the emotional conflicts of Bion's LHK (Love, Hate, Knowledge), and their negatives, so there are always impediments to the true infantile transference. These can also be seen in the light of retreat from the aesthetic conflict that is engendered by the analytic process. In this the analyst must rigorously self-scrutinise in order to affirm trust in his own internal aesthetic objects which govern the method.
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