Curiosity and “to turn a blind eye”. Reflections on the search/flight of truth inspired by Bion's ideas

reflexões sobre a busca/fuga da verdade inspiradas em ideias de Bion


  • Roosevelt Moises Smeke Cassorla Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo (SPPA)


Verdade, Mentira, Curiosidade, Arrogância, Estupidez, Narciso, Édipo, Transformações em alucinose, Fazer vista grossa, Bion


The paper discusses the vicissitudes of curiosity, especially when it occurs in the analytical field.  It is demonstrated that arrogance and stupidity, associated with curiosity, facts intuited by Bion signaling psychological catastrophe, can both warn of its possibility and of the evasion of the perceptions that would determine it. The facts are illustrated with clinical material and the study of myths. The issue of "seeing" and "blinding" oneself to reality is emphasized, addressing in particular the defenses involving denial (Verneinung), disawoval (Verleugnen) and "turning a blind eye". The myth of Narcissus is interpreted to show that the symbiosis between Liriope and his son prevented him from developing his mind to "see" and live in the triangular reality. The relationship between the gaze and envy is also highlighted. The Oedipal myth is taken up again by showing how arrogance, stupidity and curiosity are accompanied also by evasion of the perception of reality. Finally, from the clinic cand the myths, the transformations into hallucinosis and fanaticism are discussed, indicating how the elements of the described triad manifest themselves in the patient’s belief in his superiority in the way of living.  


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Author Biography

Roosevelt Moises Smeke Cassorla, Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo (SPPA)

Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo (SBPSP) e Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Campinas (SBPCamp).


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How to Cite

Cassorla, R. M. S. (2024). Curiosity and “to turn a blind eye”. Reflections on the search/flight of truth inspired by Bion’s ideas: reflexões sobre a busca/fuga da verdade inspiradas em ideias de Bion. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 31(1). Retrieved from