Intersubjectivity: analysis of reports from a family psychoanalysis session between an adolescent and his mother
Case reports, Attachment, Vulnerability, Violence, IntersubjectivityAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the intersubjectivity (understood as a psychic space different from that of the subjects that constitute it and that enables the establishment of a new reality) in a family session between a violent adolescent and his mother. The analysis is based on the psychoanalytical reading of Maldavsky synthesized in the method of speech analysis called the David Liberman algorithm (DLA) (Maldavsky, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2013), which facilitates observing desires, predominant defenses, pre-conscious-conscious thinking and its slips, focusing on differentiating stories centered on third parties from those centered on the narrator. Through the speech of the adolescent and his mother, it was possible to observe the bond that they managed to establish throughout their lives, in which situations of privation and psychosocial vulnerability predominate.
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