The carnivalesque politics of a pandemic body


  • Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TAICP)


Trans-subjective, Pandemic, Carnival, Protest, The Real


Covid-19 has affected our lives in innumerable and formerly unimaginable ways. Among its effects is the threat to our identity in terms of broken bodily boundaries, severed social contacts, and a blurring of our group belongings. A response to this mingled physio-social threat has been an unprecedented surge of trans-subjectivity, as a form of intersubjectivity that is both elevated and reduced. In this paper, this phenomenon is explored in its carnivalesque manifestation, expressing itself as both a revolt against state control and an effort to re-appropriate a sense of bodily self and other. I illustrate these ideas with theoretical, visual and clinical materials.


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Author Biography

Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot, Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TAICP)

Psicóloga e psicanalista no Tel-Aviv Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TAICP). Docente e supervisora do Departamento de Estudos Humanitários Gerais, acompanha os trabalhos de Doutorado e Psicoterapia na School of Psychotherapy, Sackler School of Medicine, na Universidade de Tel-Aviv.


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How to Cite

Yadlin-Gadot, S. (2023). The carnivalesque politics of a pandemic body. SPPA Journal of Psychoanalysis, 30(2), 239–260. Retrieved from