O teatro das mãos
In this article, the author aims at considering the perception and visual contemplation of the hand by a newborn infant as being linked to the representation of a primary object comprising continence and its internal skeleton. Then, the hand would be one of the earliest radial forms of continence, which has already been discussed by the author. By the way, the interconnections developed between the hands, during the same period, seem to be part of and witness of the construction of such representations in identification games ranging from the adhesive register to the projective register. In support of the observations and considerations made by Ester Bick, in her article concerning the observation of breast-fed infants, already toward that sense, and of the author’s own works on intra-corporeal identifications, she relates clinical materials drawn from the psycho-analytic treatment of two girls who have emerged from autistic defences and who place the same problematics into “having one draw” or drawing the outline of their hands in several configurations.
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